Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Winner Winner

So unfortunately.. closing did not happen as planned but we aren't getting discouraged yet. Although we haven't been able to work on the house as planned, we have still been very busy.  I spent my weekend packing up the apartment and prepping for the move.  Derek on the other hand spent his weekend golfing...i was green with envy. Actually it made me happy to know he got a much deserved break to spend with his family & friends after a long summer of extra hours at work. We've also been on the hunt for a few new appliances, and settling other things on the moving to do list.

We knew moving and buying a house in general was going to come with a few unexpected expenses and we have been seeing quite a few of those lately. But today we got a break. A lucky catch. A gift from god. Whatever you want to call it.... i am ecstatic!

Metro Appliance was hosting a washer & dryer giveaway, mom enters me for the drawing without my knowledge. Today i received a phone call informing me we had won the giveaway!!!! I about died.  The lady on the phone probably thought i was insane because i couldn't manage to put together a coherent sentence for about a minute (awkward silent breathing into the  I never win anything... ever... i loose money just by looking at the casino. I'm beyond excited. I can't wait to do laundry!! History making statement, i HATE laundry.

This company is located in Joplin, MO and are some of the best people you could possibly do business with. They have a helpful & knowledgeable staff that will go above and beyond to help you. My family (mom) has been a customer here for years.  These people rock! For your own chance to win a similar contest head on over to their facebook page and give them a "Like." I promise you won't be disappointed with anything you get from here. 

So happy hump-day friends. My day & our budget just got much happier. 


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