Since we completed the prep work on the walls Tuesday night we spent the majority of our time yesterday filling/sanding the trim wood and painting the living room. Everyone loves painting right.... not. I am clumsy. Very clumsy. I couldn't go a day without spilling something on myself and definitely can't get through painting a room without making a mess (or two). Painting here was actually fun because for the most part i didn't need to worry paint ending up somewhere it shouldn't :).
With the old carpet out we decided it would be best to start with the trim paint. Derek happily left this job up to me since my natural "skills" would not pose any problems. It was awesome to paint the trim and not have to worry about the wall paint or flooring, awesome! When i got done it looked like a kindergartner went crazy with bucket of paint. Buttt the trim was perfect & that was all that mattered, the walls/floor would soon be covered. Derek followed around the room cutting a 6" paint strip from the trim and other areas which would not be getting the wall paint. Then we went to town with the rollers and completed our goal by the end of the night. Surprisingly with no major paint messes made by yours truly.
I have to give a special shout out to my friend Jenn! She came over after work to help & is a huge reason why we got everything done. She faithfully painted by my side until we were almost done & one of the extension rollers broke. We chatted about life, work, Luke Bryan...-you name it. She & Derek got plenty of laughs as they watched me almost break a light fixture with my pole, and get paint on everything except the wall. I'm going to have fun going back to touch up the ceiling :)
Below are some progress pictures, and one before & after. It's amazing what a little paint can do!
( The fire place after we painted the trim & walls)
What i once thought was the ugliest fireplace ever.. actually has some charm with the new paint colors. Grey is quickly becoming my go to neutral, it makes every color look awesome. I'll still be doing something with the stone eventually, wait & see.
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