Wednesday, September 25, 2013

It's Official.

We have officially closed on our first home!!

We closed Monday afternoon & have been very busy people since then.  Monday was Derek's birthday so we went out to dinner to celebrate & then returned to the house to strategize.
(Derek with his birthday present from me & our families) 

(This little guy was also a surprise for him.  He won't admit it but he's a cat lover)

 By Tuesday we were both still busting with energy about starting the renovation. Even the first trip to Home Depot couldn't touch our excitement.. ok maybe a little.. checkout was rough. Thankfully Derek got off work early and was able to start in. By Tuesday night we had all the carpet ripped out of the house & had filled all the holes in the walls.  We also replaced several area's of drywall in the master bedroom where the previous owners had left really big holes in the wall. All in a nights work.  Below are some of the pictures of our progress so far.

 A few painting supplies

We sat for 20 minutes trying to decide on paint colors

Living room after the carpet tear out. 

Can't wait to show off the finished product! This house is going to look crazy different in a few days!! 


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